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Perfect Choice Driving




What to expect on the day?


First listen to a presentation( 10mins ) by the owner of the Centurion Tank’s contribution to  Britain’s cold war effort in the 1950s.

Next enjoy climbing all over the Tank inside and out. Stand/ sit where the Commander sits, sit where the gun aimer sits and stand where the loader stands surrounded by 55 shells at his disposal.  Enjoy positioning yourself in the driver position.

Next listen as the mighty Rolls Royce engine roar into life.

Watch as she comes out of the garage and next get on board for a ride of a life time through water filled pits and climb to the top of hills where you can watch the turret turn and the 105mm barrel raised to engage the enemy.

Take as many photographs as you want on the day or rely on our in house photographer for some truly amazing shots of the day.


Etiam maximus ligula in tincidunt iaculis. Vestibulum sed elit eleifend, accumsan turpis quis, egestas ex. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus dictum tellus a sapien tempus, eget dignissim odio pellentesque. Cras pharetra efficitur ornare. Praesent urna lorem, interdum ac mattis quis, blandit et neque.


Etiam maximus ligula in tincidunt iaculis. Vestibulum sed elit eleifend, accumsan turpis quis, egestas ex. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus dictum tellus a sapien tempus, eget dignissim odio pellentesque. Cras pharetra efficitur ornare. Praesent urna lorem, interdum ac mattis quis, blandit et neque.

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